Cocktail Book Author Uses Shelves to House His Books and Booze

Cocktail Book Author Uses Shelves to House His Books and Booze

Posted by Rebecca Parsons on

           Andre Darlington’s home is a glimpse into his life. His living room is full of vinyl albums, stacks of cookbooks, heaps of cocktail equipment, and a large liquor collection. Fitting, as he’s the author of eight cocktail books, each with a cultural flair.

            When Darlington relocated to North Carolina, he decided it was time to organize his collection and set out to find a set of shelves that would get the job done. While a cheap particle board shelf from Ikea would fit the bill, he wanted something that was floor to ceiling and had a nice aesthetic.

            Through a social media search, Darlington came across Modern Shelving and decided it was a good fit. He opted for the PAL 76 and once they arrived, he downloaded the PDF instructions and got to work. Upon first inspection, the instructions were intimating but once he got started, Darlington found assemblage to be a breeze and had his shelves up and in action in no time.

            “The shelving is already in its third location,” Darlington says. “I originally purchased it to put it in the dining room and have my liquor collection on it for recipe testing. Then, it was going to be in my office. And now it’s in the living room. So, it’s versatile.”

            As a freelance writer and author, Darlington spends a lot of time at home, recipe testing and writing in his at home office. One of his most popular books is entitled Booze and Vinyl, which pairs seventy of the greatest vinyl albums of all time with A and B side cocktails. His most recent book, Booze Cruise was inspired by a trip he took around the globe in 2019 and features the world’s essential mixed drinks. Because he does most of his work at home, he needs a space that is organized and inspires him.

            Cue Modern Shelving.

            Because Darlington is constantly recipe testing, his collection of cookbooks and cocktail equipment is ever expanding. Already, he’s purchased three more shelves to help keep his collection organized.

            “The shelves are an elegant design and a great solution,” says Darlington. “Whether you’re running out of space or not. I would have gotten them sooner if I had known about them.”

Check out Darlington’s work HERE

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